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Welcome to the twoday Trust Center

The twoday Trust Center is your one-stop shop for details about security and privacy at twoday. You can find materials about our security, privacy, governance, and whistleblowing channel. We also have information regarding how we work with incident handling and other areas that are important to clients and partners.

twoday Trust Center

This is how we work hard every day to earn your trust

twoday Whistleblowing Channel

twoday enforces a zero-tolerance policy against misconduct, including violations of rules, policies, and ethical standards. We ensure a safe, legal, and ethical environment, complying with all laws. Breaches may lead to disciplinary actions or termination.

Use our Whistleblowing Channel for anonymous reporting, fostering confidential communication.


About twoday

At twoday, we help companies create value in the complex landscape of digital transformation.

With more than 8,000 customers and 2,700 employees we are one of the largest tech consulting companies in the Nordics.