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twoday has been awarded "Newcomer of the Year" and recognized as one of Norway's most attractive employers by Universum

twoday has been honored with the title of "Newcomer of the Year" at the Universum Awards 2024. Simultaneously, we have earned recognition as one of Norway's most appealing employers, achieving this status in under two years since entering the market.
May 24, 2024 10:25:20 AM twoday
Universum kårer twoday til

Universum is one of the world's largest companies for measuring Employer Branding, and annually asks more than 11,000 Norwegian students which employers they consider to be most attractive. twoday can boast of being both "Newcomer of the Year" and on the list of the IT industry's 50 most attractive employers. It was announced during the award ceremony Universum Awards on May 23.

-We strive daily to cultivate a work environment that fosters inspiration and motivation. Being a knowledge-based company, our success hinges on our ability to attract the sharpest minds. And I am therefore very proud that twoday is recognized as one of the country's most attractive employers, says Kristin Nyberg, CEO of twoday.

twoday was established as a separate company in October 2022 and receives both the award as "Newcomer of the Year" and a top 50 placement after just one and a half years in the market. Nyberg is particularly pleased with that.

-Establishing brand recognition among students as a brand-new company is challenging. However, I believe our efforts have been noticed by the candidate market, both in the industry, at educational institutions, and through our own channels. Moreover, the satisfaction of our employees with their workplace serves as compelling evidence; there's no greater endorsement than positive feedback from our own team.

twoday hires a group of trainees every year who come straight from school, in addition to offering students summer jobs. Nyberg believes this is a key driver of success.

-At twoday, we take new graduates seriously, and I think that is one of the main reasons why we win this award. Knowledge is fresh produce, and to deliver tomorrow's solutions, we rely on new graduates who bring energy, fresh perspectives, and expertise. They undoubtedly contribute to our continuous improvement.

twoday has more than 2,700 employees across the Nordic countries and Lithuania, and Nyberg has ambitions for further growth - and even better results in next year's Universum ranking.

-It's nice to be recognized, but that doesn't mean we should be satisfied. The work that has been started has given us a good foundation, and then we must use the momentum to become even better. By prioritizing the well-being of our people, the essence of our company, we will get good results - I genuinely believe it's as straightforward as that, concludes Nyberg.

Universum 2


For further comments, please contact Kristin Nyberg, CEO of twoday Norway.
Phone: +47 991 68 779



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