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twoday welcomes 122 new co-owners

May 2, 2024 9:15:53 AM twoday Press Releases

In the latest investment round in twoday's employee stock ownership program, a total of 122 employees have become new co-owners of the large IT company. As a result, twoday is owned by nearly 1,000 employees - or almost 40 percent of all company staff.


When the private equity fund CVC acquired the company, now named twoday, it was part of the agreement that twoday's employees would have the opportunity to become co-owners of the large Nordic IT company. In the spring of 2023, twoday's employees were offered the opportunity to buy shares in the company for the first time, and more than 800 employees seized the opportunity.

twoday has recently concluded its latest round of investment in the employee stock ownership program, with 122 new employees participating. This brings the total number of employee owners in twoday to nearly 1,000. Consequently, almost 40 percent of all twoday's 2,700 employees across the Nordic countries and Lithuania are now co-owners of the company.

"It's truly fantastic that so many want to be part of our stock program. To me, it reflects the belief of our employees in twoday's strategic journey, a journey they are eager to be a part of," expresses Michael Assam, Group CFO at twoday.

Assam further highlights the notable enthusiasm for ownership, particularly among his Danish colleagues. Out of the 122 new investors, 76 employees are from Denmark.


Everyone should be able to join the journey

Once a year, twoday's employees have the opportunity to participate in the company's employee stock ownership program. Within this program, existing participants can also purchase additional shares.

To ensure broad participation, the only prerequisites are a minimum of six months of employment and an investment of at least 3,000 euros. Moreover, each employee has the flexibility to determine the amount they wish to invest.

In the latest round, the new co-owners of twoday have invested 1 496 221,20 euros, bringing the total employee investments to a sum of 55 858 924,80 euros.

"It has been crucial for us to establish an employee stock ownership program accessible to the majority of our employees. That's why the threshold is only 3,000 euros, and in fact, we would have liked it to be even lower, but it wasn't possible for technical reasons. Conversely, the threshold for increasing one's investment is merely 500 euros once an employee is part of the program. This ensures many more employees can incrementally grow their investments year after year," elucidates Michael Assam.


Few want to sell

For twoday's employees, there's also the option to sell their investments once a year during the open investment round. However, the latest round revealed that very few employees opt to end their investments.

"We observe that only a handful desire to sell their employee shares. Specifically, in the last round, only eight employees across all countries opted to sell their shares. This underscores the high confidence of current employee shareholders in the program's potential for strong investment returns," concludes Michael Assam.


About twoday

twoday is the premier digital transformation partner in Northern Europe with global reach. Our ~3,000 technologists partner with the most admired private and public sector organizations to craft cutting-edge digital solutions, leveraging deep industry know-how and domain expertise across AI, data analytics, software engineering and business applications. twoday – transforming tomorrow with Data and Technology. Visit us at


For more information:

Bo Pedersen, PR Manager, phone: +45 50 40 19 18, e-mail:


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