Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB)
Secure authentication with e-identification
About the Customer
Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) is a government agency in Sweden responsible for matters related to official statistics and other national statistics. SCB's tasks include coordinating and supporting the Swedish official statistics system.

A secure e-identification & authentication solution
SCB aims to be world-class in collecting and processing data into statistical information for customers and users, utilizing high methodological expertise, broad subject knowledge, modern technology, and cost-effective methods. The statistics are impartial, relevant, of high quality, and based on scientific principles. SCB facilitates data reporting and protects collected basic data. In collaboration with others, SCB develops common statistical systems, both nationally and internationally.
twoday delivers a solution for e-identification authentication according to Sweden Connect's technical framework to SCB, including:
- A cost-effective, secure, and flexible service for e-identification authentication usable for logging into SCB's e-services for external users.
- A service easy to invoke from SCB's e-services without extensive development effort.
- A service where the user can choose the e-identification issuer to handle authentication.
- A service with the possibility for SCB to expand or reduce the volume during the contract period.
- A seamlessly interchangeable service with Swedish E-identification when it becomes available.
- A service for e-identification authentication where SCB does not need to invest in equipment.
- A service for e-identification authentication in close collaboration with SCB.
SCB also plans to introduce e-identification as a login option for many of its e-services. The contract is signed with the consulting company Crayon AB, with twoday as a subcontractor.