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Pintos wanted to centralize information and enhance data-driven management – Salesforce provided a scalable solution


Pintos is one of the leading companies in Finland manufacturing products related to concrete construction, and it has been in operation for over sixty years.

Pintos is a long-time expert in concrete construction products with a rich history. The company, in operation for over 60 years, has undergone multiple transformations. The next phase of business development identified the implementation of an efficient and functional customer relationship management system as a priority. With the help of Biit, Pintos adopted Salesforce, particularly to assist in sales processes and centralize dispersed information in one place.


Modernizing Customer Data Management

"For decades, Pintos operated without any CRM system," says Development Manager Jaakko Reunanen. Reunanen is responsible for the company's digital transformation. This includes developing and updating business systems to meet modern-day requirements.

One significant challenge on Reunanen's desk was finding a CRM system to support sales processes. Previously, there was a lack of consistency in information management. Critical information for customer relationships was scattered across various systems.

"We also have long work histories in the company, with individual work methods and routines developed over the years," Reunanen explains.

The goal for the new CRM system was set to ensure that all essential information for sales and customer management would be available in one system. Clear objectives were set for the new system. It should serve various sales processes and key account management models, facilitate comprehensive sales tracking, and promote data-driven decision-making.

The aim was to make sales activities clearer and more process-oriented so that everyone wouldn't have to individually consider how and in what manner to contact a customer in each situation.

What system serves Pintos' customer-centric business?

"The desire was to find a scalable system with endless functionalities," says Reunanen.

However, the challenge was that Pintos' products are highly customer-specific. Products often don't exist until a customer places an order. Sold products consist of various parts, and by combining them, the salesperson assembles a suitable solution for the customer.

Due to the nature of the products, the system should offer a high degree of flexibility, providing options for the products and their details. The salesperson should be able to accurately describe the sold solution in the system, even if it is highly customized to meet the customer's needs.

Initially, the system was intended to be implemented to support sales and customer management. The hope was that the use of the system could later be expanded to other areas of the business. It was also essential that the system was suitable for international environments, in addition to the domestic market, making it an important selection criterion.

After discussing the needs internally, Salesforce emerged as a natural choice for Pintos.

"Salesforce contacted us, and we had been in some kind of contact for a couple of years, as CRM had been on the agenda for a long time," summarizes Reunanen.

"Salesforce recommended Biit as a partner and actively involved Biit in the discussion from the sales phase."

Quick Implementation of CRM 

The joint project of Pintos and Biit started with workshops to define Pintos' system needs more precisely. The working method convinced Pintos.

"Already in the early stages of implementation, the workshops revealed a high level of expertise in sales and business understanding," says Reunanen.

"The perspective was specifically in sales operations, not just in configuring the system. Biit clearly understands the role of sales as part of the business and how the system best serves it".

The first phase of the project, the implementation of the CRM system, was completed quite quickly. A month after the CRM implementation, Pintos already had the first sales processes and tools in use.

At a rapid pace, Pintos also organized basic training for its staff in using the system.

Just a week after implementation, Pintos got to test Salesforce at major construction industry fairs. The fairs served as an excellent test for the system and its usability in a hectic environment. The fairs went smoothly with the new customer data system, and the staff's experience with the new tool was positive.

Now, a year has passed since the first tests, and while CRM is already in use in everyday tasks, the development work in implementing other features of Salesforce continues.

The collaboration with Biit continues

After the implementation of the CRM system, Pintos and Biit continued their collaboration on managing, monitoring, and developing sales processes. Ongoing development targets have been defined in joint workshops. To support sales, Biit's Key Account Management (KAM) solution for managing key accounts has already been implemented.

Reunanen estimates that the primary goal has already been achieved. All the information needed for sales and customer management is now available in one system. Additionally, a tool for managing purchases and suppliers has been introduced.

The process is not just about implementing a system; Pintos also leverages Biit's expertise in refining sales processes. Workshop collaboration allows exploration of future needs and how Pintos can further enhance the efficiency of using Salesforce and how the system can support other functions within the company.

Pintos has had a positive experience with workshops and training, and they intend to continue workshop activities with Biit.

"Our expectations for the project have been met, and our collaboration continues," Reunanen states.

The most important feedback always comes from end-users, in this case, Pintos' sales team. The sales team has expressed confidence in both the system itself and Biit's professionalism.