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Caverion renewed business application development and analytics with Microsoft Cloud


Caverion developed a new data platform and renewed development of its business applications by comprehensively leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Cloud. New applications, that run on the unified data and applications architecture, have already delivered clear business value by increasing productivity.

Caverionin työntekijät kävelevät toimistorakennuksen edustalla

Caverion is an expert for smart and sustainable built environments, enabling performance and people’s well-being. Customers can trust Caverion’s expertise during the entire life cycle of their buildings, infrastructure or industrial sites and processes: from installation and maintenance of base and smart technologies, to managed services as well as advisory and engineering services and digital solutions. Their customers are supported by about 15,000 Caverion professionals in 10 countries. 

Platforms and applications drive the partnership

Need to collect and efficiently use a wide range of data is critical for Caverion sales and service processes. Key requirements include real-time availability of data, ability to combine data from different sources and refinement of data so that it can be easily utilized by Caverion experts and their customers. 

Caverion relies on Microsoft Cloud for data storage, reporting and analytics, and we have been providing related consulting and development services to Caverion already for several years. Two years ago, Caverion identified a growing need to increase its agility in modernizing existing business applications as well as innovating new apps. To meet these needs, Caverion decided to deploy Power Platform as a low-code platform for rapid and agile application development. In the end of 2021, Caverion expanded its partnership with twoday to cover also continuous Power Platform based application development.

Power Platform and application innovations

So far, experiences gathered from low-code development have been positive. Power Apps for rapid user interface development, Dataverse as a flexible low-code data platform and Power Automate for process automation have provided Caverion with an effective approach for user-driven application development.

In addition, low-code architecture of Caverion has been integrated with data layer running on Microsoft Azure, allowing low-code applications to easily access data that is being managed in existing business applications (e.g., ERP).

Over the past year, we have developed several Power Platform solutions that support Caverion's business. One recent example is a mobile field observations for technicians, which was launched in early autumn.

“The application facilitates and automates the collection of data, provides users with better insight, and generates quotations, which has already resulted in an improved customer experience”, says Kjell Joar Lien, Head of Service Operations Development.


“Our new applications related to our service process has generated productivity gains. Our service technicians experience spending less time performing data processing using different systems ”, Kjell Joar continues.

"The Microsoft Azure as a data platform, combined with the possibilities modern Power Platform low-code development, enables agility and allows us to meet the changing requirements of business. Twoday as a partner with deep expertise in both Microsoft Cloud based data and applications, is helping us to unlock the power of our cloud platforms," says Heikki Linnanen, CIO of Caverion.


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