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Why is it important to invest in keyword analysis 

– and how to gain the most value of your analysis
8/21/24 11:30 AM Hilde Marks

Why is it worth investing in keyword analysis? It takes some time and resources, and for many, it can feel like an unnecessary exercise. But stay with it, there are substantial insights to be gained. Let us walk you through why a good keyword analysis is crucial, and how you can use this crucial information.

1. You increase organic Google-ranking 

Keyword analysis helps you find relevant keywords for your target audience based on competition and search volume. By implementing these on your website, you increase the chance of ranking organically (unpaid) on Google. This can lead to a significant increase in organic traffic.

2. You will get to know your target audience

You discover how people actually come across your products or services and can use this actively in your SEO work. It could be that products are referred to by what they are called on supplier order forms, or that the correct, often technical, name for a service is used. This language and these expressions often make their way onto the website and various ads. However, it is rare that people outside the company use the same language and expressions. For example, "red velvet dress with zipper" vs. "Christmas dress"  and "abdominoplasty" vs. "tummy tuck."

3. You can increase traffic volume from Google Ads 

Remember to use the findings in your analysis for Google Ads as well. This will improve the results of your efforts there too.

4. You will get new content ideas for your website

In your keyword analysis, you can see what people are wondering about regarding your products and services. This could include maintenance, procedures, prices, and more. Address these questions on your website, whether through articles, a Q&A section, or product descriptions. Good and useful content builds strong brands and can help you reach your customers at different stages of their journey.

5. You can get ideas for new products and services  

The analysis often reveals products and services that your target audience frequently searches for within your category. In other words, you may discover gaps in the market that you can fill, or perhaps get ideas that lead you to find a new segment. By addressing more of your target audience.

6. You can uncover trends 

By finding out, for example, which colors and product variants your target audience has searched for, you can uncover trends you might not have been aware of. This can help you with seasonal purchases or determine which products and services you should push on your website and in ads.

7. You find useful information about your competitors

A keyword analysis also gives you information about which keywords your competitors frequently use on their websites, and it can help you decide which keywords you can implement – and not least provide information about your competitors. The "dream keywords" are those with high search volume but little competition from your competitors. Many who consider keyword analysis only look at the highest search volume, but if the competition is extremely high, you are less likely to gain a share of this volume, or you may get only a small share despite hard work.

In many cases, it is better to find a variant of the word that may have slightly less search volume but less competition, allowing you to get a larger share of these searches. Another commonly used strategy is to try to rank organically for so-called "long-tail keywords," which are phrases. These are much more specific, often indicating that the user is further along in their journey and is starting to be ready to buy or book a service. For instance, there may be a lot of competition for "savings account," but very little for "savings account with high interest." You can then try to rank for this instead.

Want to learn more? 

We hope these points have inspired you to look through your existing keyword analyses to see if you can utilize them even better, or to conduct a new analysis. We are happy to help you along the way, either as support if you want to do it yourself, or we can carry out a keyword analysis for you based on your needs. Feel free to contact one of our consultants for a no-obligation coffee!

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