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ChatGPT and the future of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the world of technology and in a short time become one of the most prominent technologies of our time. With a fascinating history of innovation, AI has impacted businesses and industries worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore what AI is, its dev...
Pizza, pasta and productivity:
Remote work abroad
When you have the opportunity to go Italy to work and explore with colleagues - why not grab it?
twoday data scientists gather in Helsinki
This is how we are building a strong data science community in twoday.
What is Modern Work and how do you implement it in your business?
Microsoft 365 is a collection of tools that help organisations create a modern, secure and efficient workplace by integrating cloud technology and productivity tools. In this article, we explain the meaning of Modern Work and what to consider before implementation.
How to use ChatGPT with your own (proprietary) data
ChatGPT is a revolutionary tool, especially the version 4. In this blogpost, I’ll share technical details about how to have an intelligent natural-language conversation with your proprietary information (and by that I mean a very large amount of non-public data, something that far exceeds the limits...
Optimize your website with Content recommendation
It is becoming increasingly important to offer your visitors a unique user experience that stands out from the crowd. With the help of Content recommendation, you can both improve the user experience, increase traffic to the website, reduce costs for analysis and support, and reduce the amount of ad...
New twoday solution: Making fishing more sustainable
twoday’s vTrack solution contributes to sustainable fishing across the globe. Let us tell you how.
Competitiveness through transportation optimisation
Companies use transportation optimisation for many purposes. Here are some important ones.
Technology and social responsibility for a sustainable future
With technological development comes an increased responsibility to take care of society and the environment, says Kristin Nyberg of twoday Norway.
Why should you upgrade to Optimizely CMS version 12?
Upgrading your CMS to the latest version can provide many benefits. By keeping your website updated and modern, you can reduce the risk of technical issues and ensure that it continues to function properly for a longer period of time. Optimizely CMS version 12 is the latest version of one of the mos...