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HubSpot Guide: How to Get Started

HubSpot is a powerful all-in-one platform for automating and engaging in marketing and sales activities. Everyone's talking about it. But how do you actually start using HubSpot? We’ll guide you through the initial steps in five simple stages.
8/29/24 9:07 AM Bonnie Groth Frølund

What is HubSpot?

Before diving into the details of how to get started with HubSpot, it might be helpful to have a brief introduction. 

HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing, sales, and service platform designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight their leads and customers. With HubSpot, you can centralize all your sales and marketing activities in one place—whether it's advertising, email marketing, customer service or lead generation.

HubSpot is organized in four main hubs: Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and CRM Hub, which can function independently but work best together.


Two ways to get started: On your own or with a HubSpot partner

In principle, it’s easy to get started directly on HubSpot’s website. HubSpot provides guides to help you get to know the platform. However, you should be prepared to spend time learning the platform before you can start setting it up.

It might be a good idea to involve a HubSpot partner in the process. The advantage of working with a partner is that they know the platform and can help you find the right level for your business, set up HubSpot, and teach you how to get the most out of the platform.

Step 1: Create a HubSpot account

Starting from scratch? Luckily, creating a HubSpot account is quick and easy.

The easiest way is actually to have a HubSpot partner create the account for you. You'll just receive a link to sign up, and then you're good to go.

You can also create a HubSpot account on your own. In any case, you’ll need to choose which hubs you want access to and select a subscription plan that fits your needs.

Step 2: Integrate your systems with HubSpot

The next step is to integrate your website with HubSpot. This allows you to manage content, create landing pages, blogs, track visitor activity, and much more directly from HubSpot.

If your website is built on a CMS other than HubSpot, you’ll need to install a cookie on the site that allows tracking. To create blogs and landing pages, you’ll need to set up a subdomain, which requires DNS access.

You should also integrate your other existing systems with HubSpot. This way, you’ll have all the tools you need in one place. This could include Gmail, Google Ads, Zapier, Slack, Mailchimp, Salesforce, and Google Search Console. It can be done with just a few clicks using a plug-in from the HubSpot App Marketplace.

Step 3: Design or find templates

Before you can start creating content, there’s a design phase. Don’t worry—you don’t need to be a graphic designer.

Templates are necessary because they provide a framework for your work. This applies to blogs, landing pages, and emails.

You can either download templates from the HubSpot Marketplace or have an agency create them for you.

Step 4: Create and schedule content

Now it’s time to create and schedule content and automate your marketing. This could include articles, emails, social media posts, automated workflows—all based on visitor behavior and interactions. This saves you time and ensures your customers receive the most relevant content at the right time.

Use HubSpot’s built-in tools and templates for this. Further down the page, you can read more about the possibilities within the four different hubs.

Step 5: Analyze and optimize

It’s important to continuously analyze and optimize your efforts. Use HubSpot’s analytics reports to track key metrics like traffic, conversions, and revenue. This data can be used to optimize your campaigns and improve your efforts.

It’s possible to create various visual dashboards in HubSpot, making it easier to keep track of your data.

Learn to use HubSpot (with HubSpot or a partner)

Although HubSpot is user-friendly, it can feel overwhelming with a steep learning curve because it can do so much. That’s why it’s worth taking the time to get to know the platform well.

HubSpot Academy offers various courses—completely free. Here, you can learn about Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Customer Service, Website Design, Lead Generation, and much more. You can simply choose the topic you want to learn more about.

You can also have a HubSpot partner teach you how the platform works and how to get the most out of it. A HubSpot partner will understand your business, providing you with personalized guidance, and together, you can determine your training needs. Plus, you’ll always have someone to ask questions.

Frequently asked questions

What does HubSpot cost?
HubSpot offers a range of free tools across the different hubs. However, the free versions are limited. You can upgrade to a paid version, where you can choose from different types: starter, professional, and enterprise. What you should choose depends on your needs.

Should I start on my own or use a HubSpot partner?
You can implement HubSpot yourself if you have the time and interest. If so, you’ll need to pay for mandatory onboarding from HubSpot. This is waived if you choose a HubSpot partner. A HubSpot partner knows HubSpot inside and out and can help you find the right level, set up HubSpot, and teach you how to use it optimally.

Can I use HubSpot if I don’t have technical experience?
Of course, you can. HubSpot is designed to be user-friendly—even for those without technical experience. Additionally, the platform offers plenty of knowledge and support.

Can HubSpot integrate with other tools?
Yes, HubSpot can easily integrate with over 1,000 apps, including popular tools like Salesforce, Microsoft Business Central, Visma Economic, WordPress, Zapier, and Office365.

Need help getting started?
As a certified HubSpot partner, we’re happy to help you get started with HubSpot. Fill in the form below and we will get back in touch!


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