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How to sell products and services on Instagram?

In an increasingly competitive world, where the number of competitors is growing and the battle for audience attention is becoming tougher, reaching a broad audience without significant marketing budgets and a dedicated marketing team may seem like a daunting task.
5/10/24 9:51 AM Hilde Marks


Fortunately, Instagram and other social channels have made this more achievable. Now, let's delve into how you can effectively sell your products and services on Instagram.

Starting with clear goals and defining your purpose for being on Instagram is a smart approach. Examples might include expanding your brand's reach, boosting sales, reaching a new audience segment, or similar objectives.

Next, you can follow the suggestions below for guidance on getting started with Instagram as a business:

1. Create a business account / professional Instagram account

To utilize many of the exciting features we'll discuss, you must first create a business account on Instagram.

If you want to link Ad Management with your professional Instagram account, you can add it to Meta Business Manager.

You need to have a Facebook page, but you don't actually need to have an Instagram profile to create ads for Instagram. However, it's highly recommended to build your brand and sell your products or services on this platform.


2. Have a communication and marketing strategy in place

Establish a communication strategy that is clear on tone of voice so that your company has a distinct voice and identity across all platforms, including social media.

A clear and distinct tone of voice helps you build a strong brand.


3. Set up a shop on Instagram

Create a product catalog and add the products you want to sell through this platform.

You should have at least four high-quality images (minimum 500x500 pixels) of each product, write a detailed description, and display different variants if there are different colors, etc. You can also use high-resolution videos if you prefer. It's important to fill out all the catalog fields and keep the catalog always up to date.

Use short but well-formulated and informative descriptions.


4. Tag images and reels with the products you want to sell

Product tags open up the opportunity to mix good and interesting content with commercial content. To start with this, you need to use the catalog mentioned in point three, which provides an overview of all products.

Stick to using just one catalog so you don't lose control.

Also, use the same catalog across both Instagram and Facebook.

5. Post varied and interesting content for your followers

Put yourself in their shoes, what would you like to read about or see pictures and videos of if you were a customer or considering becoming one? Too many companies think more about what they would like to show than what is actually interesting to others.

The content you choose to post also depends on your segment, tone of voice, and the purpose of being present on Instagram with your business.


6. Set up ads for the products or services you want to sell

You can display your ads in your target audience's Feed, Explore, Shop, Reels, and Stories. You can create the following ad formats: image, video, or carousel ads with multiple images or videos.

Experiment with different formats to determine which one elicits the best response from your audience. Don't always focus solely on "sales" and commercial content; sharing knowledge and information, along with perhaps a glimpse "behind the scenes," is often appreciated.

But again, test what your target audience responds most positively to.


7. Implement a Meta pixel on your website

By incorporating this code into your website, it unlocks exciting opportunities for your advertising in the future.

It means you can optimize, measure, and track those who have viewed your ads on Instagram. Among other things, you can see if they take a specific action on your website afterward, such as making a purchase. This provides you with a better overview of the effectiveness of your ads.



There are numerous exciting opportunities for your business on Instagram. With some investment of time and resources, this platform can become an excellent channel for reaching your business objectives and a wider audience.


Interested in learning more about how to kickstart your journey in selling products and services on Instagram? Feel free to reach out to us at twoday. We possess extensive expertise in e-commerce and social media, and we're here to assist you.



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